Assalamualaikum and hello everyone. This is my latest shot which was taken at Pantai Kelanang, Banting. As I was saying in my old post, this place is the real deal for landscape photographers to challenge themselves in composition. This is because the natural surface here is full with mangrove trees which make its difficult to compose a clean shot. The trees will always be in front of the camera. So what are you waiting for? Go there and challenge yourself!
About the shot, it was a long exposure of 90 seconds and I used Lee 10 stops ND filter a.k.a the big stopper to cut out the bright light along with 3 stops ND Grad to balance the sky. Editing are done with Photoshop and Nik Silver Efex Pro 2.
Hope everyone likes it. Enjoy your weekend yeah!
Canon EOS 500D + Canon EF-S 10-22mm + 10 stops ND + 3 stops GND
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