Hey guys, just another old stock photo of mine. This shot was taken on early January this year, at my hometown village in Kedah. I love the texture and the mud formation which leads my eyes straight to the sunset. As for this shot I used Cokin Neutral Density Graduated filter – Not necessarily a cheap filter could not produce a good image. The most important thing is, the art of seeing!
Nowadays, many people think if they got an expensive filter kit like LEE filters they could produce a stunning image. I totally disagree. Back when I was still using Cokin filters, it still manage to produce a decent image like this one. It just that Cokin produce magenta color cast that need to be remove in post-processing and also it produce vignetting with wide angle lenses and can be cropped.
Sekian tazkirah sebelum berbuka & selamat berbuka semua!
You did a good job of contrasting the details of the sand and rocks in the lower two-thirds of the picture with the much smoother but more colorful sky in the upper one-third.
Steve Schwartzman