Assalamualaikum wr wbt and good evening everyone! Here’s my next photo from my recent short trip to Terengganu. We still at ‘Mordor’ or Kemasik beach. It’s a great morning although it was raining. We were shooting on the rain. Lucky I have some cloth to cover up the camera. It’s monsoon season now in the east cost. The waves is really killing it. Just a perfect time to play with slow shutter shot like this one.
This is a single RAW shot taken with Singh-Ray 3 stop reverse graduated neutral density filter. Processed using Canon Digital Photo Professional and then transferred to Photoshop. Basic editing like adjusting the brightness/contrast, levels, curves in order to recover some of the highlight in this image and to bring out more details.
Hope you guys like it and feel free to share this image! Thanks for the visit, have a great day
Canon EOS 450D + Canon EF-S 10-22mm + Reverse GND8
Do not use or reproduce this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission. © All rights reserved.